Sunday, August 30, 2009


press came.interviewed zhiying+mr goh.
its thr e video but on papers its 2day's CATS Classified page C4
ok den i pangseh queenie n apparantly she's unhappy i guess?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

low blood glucose levels?WTF?

wed chionged wadeva durin lesson
home made e presents =p irene stayed till lyk 8pm help me hoho thank you!
oh oh and i noe hw 2 tie ribbon nicely alr!
perfection is imperfection

thurs gt freakin amath check paper aft sch
e F-in HellZ he alr noe i did badly liao still wanna ask me ans qn in class n b4 tt so deliberately stare at me say scores of others lol den of cos i buaysong la of cos wun ans wad he ask la
lol he provoke me 1st 1 lol
if im feelin anymore nastier i cld totally hav ignored tt qn luh zzz but being a pretty nice soul @ tt moment i juz turned n ask irene yes or no den gave it as simply as it is =)
but wadeva i totally was attitude-in aft Egeog tt day 0o
n he's freakin naggy T_T

sports day.
clara sick =(
lactic acid killin me by cca relay =(
shall get better teams nxt yr.keke.c la gt time ma =p
every1 seems 2 hav been workin so hard juz 4 tis day 0.0
lol i juz realise i cnt say wad we've toked abt at bishan supermart =p
went home napped 1h~~~ box.home.FEEL SICK.
mornin.cnt go trg =(((
still feelin tired.its 2.17am.
but cuz of coffee my eyes juz cnt close =p
sorethroat.low blood glucose levels=giddyness.flu.going cough?idk lol

West Aussie!

muz freakin buck-up 4 amath.el=no muz cont strive if fail oso bo bian la=)cl muz work alittle bit harder..humanities=leave to fate.1 month!JY!
if nt 1 mth l8r kena lecture fm him or other ppl agn zzz

feelin really nt gd..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

fast blog~~

sun didnt go 4 trg cuz i tink i train quite hiong so @ least wanna keep 2 e 1wk curfew 1st

mon no joggin gt briefin in hall!=p
2pid kang com dwn durin 1st period 1st day of wk

oh i tink i still nidda get another pack of swts cuz i tink is nt enuf =(

2day heckcare went 4 trg
den did e high knee jumps den tink strain abit la HECKCARE liao zz very tired nw zz duncare cont juz go 4 trg =p
2day gt e skills bo combi tink nxt trg muz do on combi oso
overall 1 wk bo play still gt skills+run abit=haii ha0 le =p

trick shots strain ur wrist abit more luh tt all =)
abt 100+ high knee jumps?0o

Saturday, August 22, 2009

OMFG!i 4got to do e presents!n i went to sleep!
went bac 4 p.t. trg to kallang mrt n bac.ok la.shall nt many traffic lights n y.t.+p.y. didnt noe whr 2 go in e end =p
ok so e buyer ask me help tink lies cuz he short of S$55.zzz.i gv alot!den he say i billiant 0o but actually i dun care if xcuses r brilliant or nt juz gv me muaii $ cn liao =p
very tired leh came bac fm trg =/
i dun tink will b goin 4 trg tmw cuz idk still decidin cuz me check-up is on mon n person say cnt jump vigourously.scared i'll 4get =/
i tink i will go 2 lanshop ltr cuz lappie unsteady =/ hope it works =)

Friday, August 21, 2009

300th post.

mon had dunno dunno wad la lol
basically i didnt noe hw 2 draw mod graphs,do phy tough qns,screwed bio.
wed went ps,thomson plaza,AMK Hub,bugis 2 get gifts :)
nw i gt another gift which e person is still makin den i collect nxt wk while i settle my account try by tonite so i cnt gv e buyer asap :) SS150 :) if deal la.
k e person juz replied me tt if i get e ls tink rdy den cn deal liao.yay :) hope all goes well :)
ytd was doin alot of research for e ls gift n findin buyer.previous nite y so tired durin lessons =p
2day was quire interestin w 2 labs.sheng lao shi is very very funny!ahhas.wu lao shi made me climb dwn fm 3rd floor to humanities rm n bac 2 4th lvl 3C classrm zzz juz cuz e gal hus injured is HCL de zzz
cl listernin is on wk 10 wed lesson time 0.0 makin IC?
even thou e trainee phy teacher oso nt gd bt @ least better than tan!zzz
it was rainin freakin heavy but i had 2 reach hm asap den e front 1/2 of my bag includin contents were flooded zzz
mdm goh so nice gv us presents actually idk e reason oso.lolx.
hais..they doin p.t. tmw.w/o me!:(
*sniff*hope recover soon den cn bac trg n hopefully in time 4 sport's day :(

:LY.ya.every1 has muscles:)

o yes.e leg muscle nt pain liao but e spine is zzz..

Sunday, August 16, 2009

thigh muscle..

whoo~trg 2day den.............pull/tear my muscle=p
i dun tink is sprain 0.0
=( i hope i cn go 2 trg soon..............
sat-rot at home 0.0
sun-trg-=( muscle tear?
mm muscle tear lyk more serious 0.0 so i tink is muscle pull but coach keep tell me bo diff de 0.0
very pain.............
at home nth 2 apply de haha
my mum went 4 NDR so me home alone =(
my aunt say want come dunno whr she nw =(
pain pain cnt climb stairs shyt =( y is my class on 3rd storey =(
im gonna fail amath =(
geog n bio is very dry 2 memorise/study/revise for =(
oh no tis post gt so so many =(
im lyk blastin my music 4 no reason perharps juz im immune 2 it alr =(
oh yea my dad juz reminded me abt run so mm..cnt run =/
oh yes cuz i cnt climb stairs so coach had 2 send me home =p
overhead bridge leh!i climb e stairs 2 e stage alr wanna cry liao luh juz nw =(
~all about us,run away if we must~
oh yes.cuz i tap alr.den i come bac.wanted jump in front 2 tap agn since shuttle came i jump liao tap liao -IMPACT- zzz den tt hw i kena luh =(
den i went pharmacy myself but sh0 many wadeva muscle medi till i c liao blur even pharmacist nt around sumore so i gv up n went home.zzz.celine say i super suay 2day =( i tink so too 0.0
i really really tink i cnt go 4 e comin joggin session pe trg =(
i love chemistry!
ok super random 0.0

Saturday, August 15, 2009

omg ytd i was dwn e moment i hit my bed
n nw my neck hurts...
n they playin 2pid national day sngs sumwhr nw
so much content for c.t...
my neck is lyk seriously achin w headaches ah~!

Friday, August 14, 2009

a special wk 4 me =) i believe it'll b even specialer in e comin wks yay =)

k im very proud of myself cuz i'd juz saved 1 whole wk of allowance =)

omg i i was so caught up on mon tt i didnt get 2 go 2 e gatherin saded!1 yr c once .. =(

tue trg by simon was tirin..

i practically didnt study much fm tue 2 fri lolx..

went 4 10x80m on wed cuz i tot i "shun bian" since i tot gt 4x400m lol den [but actuaally no hav la] we made 2 mistakes was 2s away fm 3rd

relays r fun =)

lol tt day i ran 100m w amanda den she was lyk 1-2s in front of me---which was 2 wks ago

den 2day ran 200m w her agn n i was lyk quite far behind.

moral of e story?careful nt 2 strain ur muscles b4 races =)

trg on thurs by coach kel was slack agn =(

ok xcept 4 e attackin part.

n jo-ann is much taller den me n so i cnt c =( lyk really if i bend dwn.hav 2 wad.

i hope Rose wld win =)

i lk 4ward 2 aft c.t.s cuz i've gt so much tinks planned out aft tt=)

Friday, August 7, 2009

national day around the corner..

hehe funny 2 c nat on hp tokin cl =p
im incomprehensible she said well i shld juz reply her w a postcard =)
i lyk e NewUrbanMale orange bag!
but i oso lyk my current bag!<3
G.I.Joe is very eh believe i prefer other thriller movies.its really too computerised 4 me lol i felt lyk im watchin a digiterised?supposed cn watch show on my i usually watch on comx ma.
i hope Rose cheer will b successful =)

to do+buy in decreasin urgencies-budget
-pavathy's bdae present-$15[time left 1-2weeks]
-_____________for cheer+my team-$15[time left 3wk]
-towel+box+letter?-$30[time left 3.5wk]
-badminton de?mm..idk hw they wanna go abt doin it oso[time left 3.5wk]
-beau special bdae[brooch?]0.0-KIV[time left 5wk]
>save all $ for comin 3 wks

my stuff
-jigsaw puzzle necklace[i]special[i]
-box for neos
-heels[still haven find nice de =/][time left 5wk]
-n may boots if gt nice de


people owe me
-coin box!
-$10 for broom[really cnt stand it so gettin brooms 4 badminton!]

2pid melanie!i rite her letter durin double math period den went her class den fwens say she went home alr liao..2pid!!
but anw..double math was a dam killersxz mansxz.esp w eh *cough cough* heh.

OMG!national day celeb was a gd's better than nth joanne=)it's better than nth..

Thursday, August 6, 2009

everything is so sucks.....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ok..blogger is normal agn..
n i realise i hav alotta gifts n letters 2 do!
teachers,bdaes,sport's day,sister..
its alot ok 0.0
OMFG!lessons r gettin borin..dam..muz peservere on still..
trg was ok hahas.
speed footwork.e 4th time im supposed say"4th set Go" is nt i purposely wanna hav a break in btw e words 1 k is i alr very soft liao n chuan so idk y say halfway den no sound come out.nt my fault luh!but e ppl very enthu.hahas.haven say go they strt doin halfway liao lol.
dentist help me eh cover up e 2 holes so bacteria wun go in.i tink she nt very skillful cuz i cn c fm mirror whr xactly she did.cuz actually 4 others quite hard c cuz e hole is behind e front teeth so u nidda be ME hu sees my teeth everyday den will noe e change de 0.0 lol?
WTF!walk fm pp mrt to cedar pri seh.wakao!4gt 61 cn go nearer.zzz.
i tink yang lives serangoon tt area?0o.
when go home fm cedar pri met tis old lady hu is shorter than me by 3/4 head n she stare @ me lyk im sum freak liddat.den ask whether cedar mvr bac liao n when mvr bac.den ask which pri sch i come fm.say ccps.den she say she used 2 teach thr.taught ms kwok when she is in pri1.i nearly gt taught by her in p6.she's a very gd psle teacher in tt sch.such a waste me didnt get her.but she usually teach e lousier classes 2 help them "up" n she is FIERCE.
HL chocolate milk.
cel cnt sms in cl T_T

Monday, August 3, 2009

thats it!thats its!OMG!OMG!cnt w8!cnt w8!

ok sat i woke up at 12noon =p

sun i woke up at 8AM OK =D

ok..wkends were borin T_T
aft recess 2day was boring too..
cl ct TMR!
zzz.tian xie han zi?

ah!!i gt sumtink i wanna do alr.heh heh.
hoho!zha0 da0 le.keke!
juz a few more wks n more savings..keke =))

eh.basically.well.nt SEL lesson luh.juz sumtimes i myself m wad e poem depicts or wadeva n i realise tt most ppl r juz e way it states.
yea tt sums?