Saturday, August 22, 2009

went bac 4 p.t. trg to kallang mrt n bac.ok la.shall nt many traffic lights n y.t.+p.y. didnt noe whr 2 go in e end =p
ok so e buyer ask me help tink lies cuz he short of S$55.zzz.i gv alot!den he say i billiant 0o but actually i dun care if xcuses r brilliant or nt juz gv me muaii $ cn liao =p
very tired leh came bac fm trg =/
i dun tink will b goin 4 trg tmw cuz idk still decidin cuz me check-up is on mon n person say cnt jump vigourously.scared i'll 4get =/
i tink i will go 2 lanshop ltr cuz lappie unsteady =/ hope it works =)