Friday, August 14, 2009

a special wk 4 me =) i believe it'll b even specialer in e comin wks yay =)

k im very proud of myself cuz i'd juz saved 1 whole wk of allowance =)

omg i i was so caught up on mon tt i didnt get 2 go 2 e gatherin saded!1 yr c once .. =(

tue trg by simon was tirin..

i practically didnt study much fm tue 2 fri lolx..

went 4 10x80m on wed cuz i tot i "shun bian" since i tot gt 4x400m lol den [but actuaally no hav la] we made 2 mistakes was 2s away fm 3rd

relays r fun =)

lol tt day i ran 100m w amanda den she was lyk 1-2s in front of me---which was 2 wks ago

den 2day ran 200m w her agn n i was lyk quite far behind.

moral of e story?careful nt 2 strain ur muscles b4 races =)

trg on thurs by coach kel was slack agn =(

ok xcept 4 e attackin part.

n jo-ann is much taller den me n so i cnt c =( lyk really if i bend dwn.hav 2 wad.

i hope Rose wld win =)

i lk 4ward 2 aft c.t.s cuz i've gt so much tinks planned out aft tt=)