Saturday, August 29, 2009

low blood glucose levels?WTF?

wed chionged wadeva durin lesson
home made e presents =p irene stayed till lyk 8pm help me hoho thank you!
oh oh and i noe hw 2 tie ribbon nicely alr!
perfection is imperfection

thurs gt freakin amath check paper aft sch
e F-in HellZ he alr noe i did badly liao still wanna ask me ans qn in class n b4 tt so deliberately stare at me say scores of others lol den of cos i buaysong la of cos wun ans wad he ask la
lol he provoke me 1st 1 lol
if im feelin anymore nastier i cld totally hav ignored tt qn luh zzz but being a pretty nice soul @ tt moment i juz turned n ask irene yes or no den gave it as simply as it is =)
but wadeva i totally was attitude-in aft Egeog tt day 0o
n he's freakin naggy T_T

sports day.
clara sick =(
lactic acid killin me by cca relay =(
shall get better teams nxt yr.keke.c la gt time ma =p
every1 seems 2 hav been workin so hard juz 4 tis day 0.0
lol i juz realise i cnt say wad we've toked abt at bishan supermart =p
went home napped 1h~~~ box.home.FEEL SICK.
mornin.cnt go trg =(((
still feelin tired.its 2.17am.
but cuz of coffee my eyes juz cnt close =p
sorethroat.low blood glucose levels=giddyness.flu.going cough?idk lol

West Aussie!

muz freakin buck-up 4 amath.el=no muz cont strive if fail oso bo bian la=)cl muz work alittle bit harder..humanities=leave to fate.1 month!JY!
if nt 1 mth l8r kena lecture fm him or other ppl agn zzz

feelin really nt gd..