Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ok..blogger is normal agn..
n i realise i hav alotta gifts n letters 2 do!
teachers,bdaes,sport's day,sister..
its alot ok 0.0
OMFG!lessons r gettin borin..dam..muz peservere on still..
trg was ok hahas.
speed footwork.e 4th time im supposed say"4th set Go" is nt i purposely wanna hav a break in btw e words 1 k is i alr very soft liao n chuan so idk y say halfway den no sound come out.nt my fault luh!but e ppl very enthu.hahas.haven say go they strt doin halfway liao lol.
dentist help me eh cover up e 2 holes so bacteria wun go in.i tink she nt very skillful cuz i cn c fm mirror whr xactly she did.cuz actually 4 others quite hard c cuz e hole is behind e front teeth so u nidda be ME hu sees my teeth everyday den will noe e change de 0.0 lol?
WTF!walk fm pp mrt to cedar pri seh.wakao!4gt 61 cn go nearer.zzz.
i tink yang lives serangoon tt area?0o.
when go home fm cedar pri met tis old lady hu is shorter than me by 3/4 head n she stare @ me lyk im sum freak liddat.den ask whether cedar mvr bac liao n when mvr bac.den ask which pri sch i come fm.say ccps.den she say she used 2 teach thr.taught ms kwok when she is in pri1.i nearly gt taught by her in p6.she's a very gd psle teacher in tt sch.such a waste me didnt get her.but she usually teach e lousier classes 2 help them "up" n she is FIERCE.
HL chocolate milk.
cel cnt sms in cl T_T