Thursday, December 18, 2008

Your Cupcake Says You Are Your Own Biggest Fan

At parties, you are energetic and outgoing. You really feel comfortable in a crowd.

You have lots of restraint in your life. You never are victim to your desires.

The most important thing in your life is your family.

You are dominant, vain, and a bit of a show off. To know you is to worship you.

ok..tis is totally bullshit la =P

Your Snow Test Says You're Agreeable

You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few weeks.

You don't really like to work, unless work feels like play. You only are successful when you are doing what you love.

You are a cooperative, agreeable person. You enjoy the company of others, and you enjoy compromising for the good of the group.

Your biggest worry in your life is your own safety. You fear death and getting hurt.

When it comes time to relax, you have no problem letting go. You are already pretty relaxed as is!

agn,hardly true..

You Are an Apple

You are strong, powerful, and even a bit stubborn at times.

You have enough strength to help those around you in trouble.

You are adventurous and charming. Many people are drawn to you.

You love life, and you enjoy traveling the world. You enjoy fine food, art, and culture.

People have accused you of being a snob, but that's not accurate.

You do enjoy the best things in life. Unlike snobs, you truly appreciate quality... not just pretend to.

2/3 true n e apple is cute!

You Are Sudoku

You are simple, modern and elegant.

You're not that difficult to figure out, but very few people truly get you.

You approach the world with a pure logic that most people will never grasp.

true i guess

You Are Quite Worldly

You've done a good bit of worldly exploring, and you have an international perspective.

And you're definitely looking forward to your future adventures abroad.

You've got the passport, the desire to travel, and maybe even the language skills.

Now all you need are the means!
