Saturday, July 4, 2009

the last time

o i juz realised fri was e ever 1st time i stood up so quickly juz 2 greet a when he came in2 class i c den immediate "bing-bong" stand up im usually e ls few stand up de la hehz.
it was e very ls time he's gonna step in2 tis class eh?even thou i fared pretty well but i still wanted listen 2 wad he say.every min,every sec.but every1 else seemed so engrossed in their papers n marks.less than 10min to feels as though he came jus here to sort everything out seemed he left without even giving a back glance.
does things really need to change so rapidly?They all mean something right?But,i just dont understand,at those instances,sth juz didnt feel rite.then,there.i cnt put those feelins out in words.its feel.