me,phoebechia,peiyan,jo-ann,natalie,crystalseet,jesslyn,celine,kellie&yanting[lolx e list is long o.o yuppps so these r e pathetic no. of pics i tink i managed 2 take durin KL =P]

kellie,crystal,caroline,peiyan,celine,jesslyn&me[last moments in KL?lolx]

kellie&me =)


caroline&me.hmm..i tink tis pic was quite well taken o.o

natalie&me.oops 4gt 2 rotate =P

me&crystal.=P small&big eyes 0.0

esther&me[badminton chalet!e flash of my camera was real bright.lolx.sumore shine 2 times de.0.0 -on e staircase- hehz ly ke staircase of costa sands chalet.~it's so cosy~ was e 1st sentence of dunno hu tt 1st stepped in2 e chalet on 1st day o.o as i xpected la.hehz.]

jiayi&me.ooo...she came!=)

celine&me.she's gt her contacts!hehz.act-cool kia..

natalie&me.hehz u lk retarded in tis pic..hmms..i tink i lk liddat too. 0.0

peiyan,me&jo-ann.lolx.wanted take wif peiyan nia 1 loh.oops =P

crystalgoh&me.my bike partner!haha.tink i tire u out!=P

crystalseet&me.on e staircase thou it seems both plausible she came on2 me or i dragged her la.=P

alena&me.muahaha in e dark.keke lazy brighten tis oso.hehz.

ooooooooo..... tis pic quite nice la even thou it seems alittle complicated/messy but i lyk e no. of colors included =P

eh...it came along.lolx.sis's request abt her toys' conditions.0.0 but nw she's bac la so *rolls eyes*

tis pic is cute la! pia! poor eeyore =/
lolx.gt a few pics frm KL blur la so didnt upload.lolx but tt isnt much la.w8tin 4 cd frm goh cuz i wanna c...hehe.scarly it comes along wif xmas presents.0.0