nw i feel lyk crying out loud but i realise thrs no1 to hang on2.
i feel even more ___ wif air-con blowin against my skin.
we gotta strt all over agn n i juz.juz wanna hold on a little longer n yet ur gotta b so harsh...
i dont wan.i dont wan!i dont wan to c e times we spent tgt, e days we lead, e moments we shared to go dwn in2 memory, to b marked in history.
IF history didnt exist tis wunt happen!=) but sadly no...no....no.....!!
hold on..hold on..n yet u realise it's time to mve on but i dont wanna accept tt fact
tis is a crucial moment we always face, previously, currently n in e future
it's a tough period but we'll pull thru n we'll find out tt life aint so bad aft all n tt's e time whr most memories has alr been buried.fwens wld b happy for their fwens 2 mve on but seriously, memories, wad part do they play?
It ended the way we met; orientation
wa.c tis sentence my hart juz sank a little more.F!y time flies.usually we dunt take in2 serious consideration of its true significance till e day we c e light of it.
n when it's all too l8.
hugs we've had, tears we've shed, cheers we've did, jokes we've cracked, lkin in2 ur eyes. i say i'll nvr forget u, i've did it n am confident i'll b able to do so tis time round too.
fwens are for life.

eh.actually i juz wanted to take e pic of e pretty empty classrm(whr as usual my classmates za0 super fs 0.0)n e nice tables which i ty for lettin me enjoy some nice time wif me classmates =)

lenis&me.oo.my face lks red 0.0 lying on e "dirty" tables cuz apparantly we didnt clean them n e teachers checkin classrms oso nodded head anw.so Hellz heck lor!=) <3 same ranking in class partner n thnx 4 ur letter!even thou it aint orange but red is a nice color too,lolx. =)

kaushalya&me.prefect worz.muz b more stict la.hahz.anw thnx 4 lettin me eat in class thou u told me nt to but i didnt bother.hehz.ty!=)

me&roodhi.hoho.u missed my cheek!(if tt was e place u were aimin 4 la.hehz.)u noe ur oso very funny.hehz.nice joke bk u'd had dude =)

queenie&me.TABLE-PARTNER!!<3 gonna miss u.even thou u super emo/high but ur pretty gd when it comes to handling ppl which is i cant b compared wif sum1 lyk u de.thou u everytime complain abt ur family but i noe u still love them rite.lolx.advices thr's none i cld offer to you, perharps other than less caffaine?Hellz.i worry abt e table partner ur gonna get nxt yr, esp when ur high on caffaine!=)

roodhi.zilian.0o.perharps thr's sum1 beside u which i cant c?hehz.JK.lucks in wadeva u do =)

queenie&me.close-up but blurred.sadded.=P

alicia&me&celine.lolx.i tink we lk hot in tis pic.hahz.ah~!gonna miss u alicia, pri sch fwen till nw, 4 yrs tgt in same class le lehx!cha0 nann de lor!mann, i wanna get hou liang nxt yr n nt tt chan chee kiang which ppl says is damn fierce 1 lor.1 tink, hehz, dunno he smart or nt.hahz.wadeva la.oso thnx hou liang 4 improvin my cheena which i dunno how but i only noe pretty much 1/2 e time in class he's scolding ppl n wasting time on talkin slowly.zzz.wadeva.i shall hav credits l8er on =P
o yea, im only e 1 w/o specs, JY ppl on cuttin dwn ur degress worz, tt's if u'd planned to!=)

me&hui shan.wa, alibaba or wad ar u 0.0 lyk to smell ur tie ar.hahaz.4gv me if i only rmb 1/2 ur face in 10 yrs time n im scared i cant even rmb 1/2 of it dwn e rd.ah~!miss u even thou u changed seats 1/2way thru e term.zhenn zhenn zhennn de huii xianqq nii de =) qinqq bu ya0 huaii yii =)

me&lenis.oops 4gt when n whr we took tis pic.so tt's y i worry!i've really gt short-term memory la, tt's y i always rite tinks dwn, im scared to 4get ur, im scared to wake up to a world of nobody.n when tt happens, i hope ur r thr to remind me of e splendid memories we've spent tgt.dunt juz brush pass me even if we go in2 diff class worz, if nt cheena class 我来找你算帐!=)

jesslyn&jiayi&me.jiayi my junior hu has left cedar.damn, y do i hav sh0 many fwens leavin e sch, my hart hurts alr n ur r thr to worsen e pain(nt blamin ur).it juz cant b controlled, juz showin how strong e bonds we've made.jiayi, i believe trgs wld b diff w/o u around!esp when ur so pro =) hahaz.no hints worz ppl. JY! in pursuing ur dreams.......will rmb u, SURE!=)

me&jesslyn.hoho e fwen i spend most of e days in a wk wif.thou she is e extreme type oso la. but mostly positive de.(perharps even if she go in2 negative mode i oso dunno 0.0)aiya pardon me la, but im juz nt observant enuf la. thr's juz som many tinks u've done 4 me till i've been unable to rmd any juz currently, hehz. to sum it all up.

liyin's artistic talent put in2 place.e gal is on e "I".hey, i played a part in makin tis "I" oso 1 k.F!i dont wan time to slip by...F!time flies,why!

me&yin shuen.cheena table partner n 2nd in class oso one worz u.pro la.humble n cant stop laughing gal.nt to mention e geniuses sittin tgt(yi ning,u& phoebe wong)ya.oso muz acknowledge e smart sarah ang.dunno hu is 5th cuz nt payin attentn,keke.ah~!u're still shorter than me,can grow taller one la!n nt to mention ur 1 gd nice reponsible n forced-to-be-hyped abt studies gal =P mayb nxt yr can partner up agn too =) tt's if u're nt in HCL alr la!=)

me&alicia&awzyn.eh.supposedly me&awzyn supposed 2 b in e pic only one la.dunno y gt 1 creature poke up in e centre one.ha.JK.awzyn, dun cry so easily alr k!=)

lenis.hard at work in e mornin.actually i tot she was ritin 2 seniors or juniors 1 but e naive me y did i tink tt way when she was actually chiongin to rite e cards 4 WHOLE class!i hope every1 received her blessings!=) thnx!=)

sharmaine&alicia&me.e smiley gal:sharmaine!smart la, cheena 2nd paper top la har.esp given e fact u kinda failed ur previous paper la, so tt's a damn great improvement alr la, nt lyk me stay stagnant de.hahz.i tink im ego-in le.hehz.miss u lots alicia.sharmaine, tink we can get in2 same cheena class ba, hope we'll remain close ba =)!

pamela&me&alicia.PRI SCH MATES.till nw, nw, nw lehx!go ask around la!i bet we're 1 of e few grps of tt batch which still stuck tgt till nw n still tt pretty close de lor!we still get along well.well, whr's heather?!e busy prefect is off bookin sum1 alr har.=P pamela, tc of urself n dun cry so much n check ur pulse?hehz.chill gal, dun hyperventilate so easily, cry den nt pretty le gal =)
alicia u really had a huge transformation ar.frm P6 la.but whether tt's gd or nt, it's still up to how most ppl lk at u n most importantly of coz, is u lyk it can le.i duncare wad others say abt u actually, i juz tink doin sth 1 lyks is a luxury, but i hope u dont overdo it thou.hmm..tt's all to jojochee's advice/theory!<3 CCPS, 6CHARITY 06'

alicia&me.祝你一切顺利!miss u!

me&jialun.emo/cool gal, understand tt thrs times whr ppl get tgt n gets noisy a little.hehz.juz tellin u cuz u'll definitely c more of these scnerios in e future =P cuz our sch is a noisy cheer bound one ma!=) i tink one's life reflect on one, nth much hidden meanin, juz wanna say ur future is in ur hands n i am glad to noe u've alr grapsed it rite?=) im sure u did =) or you can =)
let it roll....
thnx 2I for e wonderful 2 yrs of sec1&2 life u've given me.i've matured.i noe.
alicia,amreetaa,me,phoebe chia,tulasi,marlene,azwyn,heather,jesslyn,jesvinder,
kashmiira,yi ning,ho jung,jia lun,lenis,muslihah,nicole,amirah,pamela,phoebe wong,queenie,haritha,roodhi,sarah ang,sarah tan,sharbrina,sharmaine,sherly,kaushalya,
hui shan,ming zhen,celine,shi hui,yin shuen,poornima,vanessa,li yin
<3 alicia for being thr n such a nice gal to be wif!
<3 amreetaa for being such a cute little n adorable gal!
<3 phoebe chia for being such a ego in a cute sense of manner, funny la you!
<3 tulasi for being my home econs parter, i cant cook whenever u're absent!
<3 marlene for giving me e smiles, esp in e mornin!
<3 azwyn for being such a retarded in funny sense gal!
<3 heather for being me P6&sec 1 first table partner, go gal!
<3 jesslyn for being thr for me always.u've helped n endured wif me,TY!
<3 jesvinder for taking e intiative to talk to me always wif e funny face!
<3 kashmiira for being part of us!
<3 yi ning for being capable as topping e class,bringing in e 1 and only honour!
<3 ho jung for being such a nice gal!
<3 jia lun for entertaining me when i was bored!
<3 lenis for always volunteering to ans qns in class!
<3 muslihah for being such a funny n understanding gal.hope u do everytink well!
<3 nicole for being my 2nd table partner in cedar n being laughing-ish!
<3 amirah for being e nice n great n take-charge efficiently monitress,hooray!
<3 pamela for lending ur ears to me!
<3 phoebe wong for teaching me some little knowledges!
<3 queenie for being my last table partner,enduring my ignorances!
<3 haritha for being a good do-media-in-class-thingy gal!
<3 roodhi for e joke bk, it's part of my memory of 2I 08' nw!
<3 sarah ang for being patient in teaching me some stuff!
<3 sarah tan for being so generous n nice!
<3 shabrina for taking e effort to understand me n helpin me keep e secret,if u rmb!
<3 sharmaine for smiling,it brightens up ppls' day, u noe!
<3 sherly for noein e whole situation always!
<3 kaushalya for allowin me to eat in class n teaching cheers!
<3 hui shan for highlightin tinks i cant c always!
<3 ming zhen for gettin in national team,JY!
<3 celine for being in e team,gettin in2 national top 4!
<3 shi hui for enduring e class's nonsense sometimes!
<3 yin shuen for being my last cheena table-partner,nxt yr oso same tink worz!
<3 poornima for helpin out wif some of e class's cant-do tinks!
<3 li yin for being e a cheer-ppl-up immediately gal,i'll rmb boon&bane!
<3 mrs lam&mr tay for being so funny!
<3 mrs yeo for improving my science n ur lame jokes,lyk "Watt-What"!
<3 mr hou for being so patient n nice!
<3 mrs franklin for taking charge of tis class super patiently n quite effectively!
<3 mdm faridah for being funny n tolerating our nonsenses!
<3 ms siew for being patient n persistent in teaching despite my duncare attitude!
<3 ms leong, ur leaving, hope e newbies r as nice as u r!
<3 ms chye for givin my music A!
<3 mrs foong for teaching my how to cook a survival dish,yay!
<3 mr goh for being responsible&thoughtful!
<3 seniors,juniors for encouragements n advices!
<3 parents for supporting me!
<3 sister for making an effort to keep in touch wif me, cuz im too lazy!
<3 bro for nt annoying me very very often!
<3 aunt for nutritious foods daily!
<3 2nd uncle for driving me to school, a luxury compared to buses le la!
<3 everyone else tt's nt mentioned abv,hu has helped me n made my life on tis Earth a better one for e past 2 yrs,sincerely i gv my hartfelT thanks 2 u all.THANK YOU!